Areas of counselling I deal with:
One of the main areas of counselling I deal with is anxiety.
What are the symptoms of anxiety?
- Feeling strange, unreal, not with it. This could be like being around people, but feeling like you’re not really there, or in your own world.
- Depression: many people get depressed because they have some symptoms of anxiety, but don’t understand what causes the symptoms or how to recover, and therefore get depressed.
- Fast heartbeat, and panic attacks.
- Tired and weary.
- Unable to concentrate.
- Irritable.
- Mind constantly racing.
I have lots of experience dealing with anxiety and have suffered some of the symptoms myself in the past. Because of the experience I have a good success rate in helping people recover.
It is very important to me to work in a person centred way. I trust, through the relationship, that supervisees will find their own way of working with clients, and I try to encourage the development of a reflective ‘self supervisor’ within them.
My qualification in supervision was gained at the Person Centred Counselling Services in Manchester.
Call and have a chat. First half hour is free of charge.
Corporate clients/workplace stress
I have a great deal of experience working with staff from large organizations, helping them recover from stress and anxiety.
What benefit could counselling give to your organisation?
- Better sickness record by staff, because counselling helps them understand how to recover from anxiety and stress, and to manage their life in such a way that there is a reduced chance of it happening again.
- I also come into organizations, and do training on understanding anxiety and stress. This helps HR and Occupational Health and Managers understand what happens to staff suffering from stress and anxiety and in turn help them have a better understanding of how best to help them back into work if they are off sick.
I have a very competitive rate for companies; just give me a ring to discuss your requirements.
Workshops / Training
I also provide workshops or training for counsellors, so that they in turn can help clients suffering from anxiety, have a good chance of recovery. As well as training, I do workshops for the general public, again to help people have a better understanding of anxiety.
I can provide phone and video sessions through whatts App or via Zoom